jueves, 4 de octubre de 2007

homework about reading harry potter

What is trh text abaut?
the text is for the book the deakth hallows

Do we know how many books were sold at mi9dnight the day it mas published?
yes i do there are 12 millions

Who is amanda Craig?
She is the book critic

How is "fantasy" described?
She described that fantasy i s a type of fiction featuring imaginary worlds and magical events

Which two things-explain the popularity of the book?
one is that in every book she’s sort of writing a detective story or a thriller,but the other more interesting thing is she’s actually made the magical world seem real

Why JK Rowling books made wonderful- films?
´cause the books make the magical seem real. And they make the real world seem magical.

Why JKR more respected?
For encouraging so many millions of young people to read fiction

Who is Phillip Pullman?
Is a children’s writer

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